[1] For Continuing Operations from 2018-19
[2] Profit before depreciation, interest and tax (PBDIT) is excluding exceptional items wherever applicable and other income.
[3] PBDIT as % of net revenue from operations =[(PBDIT)/(gross revenue from operations less excise duty up to June 30, 2017)].
[4] Profit After Tax (PAT) as % of net revenue from operations =[(PAT including exceptional items)/(gross revenue from operations less excise duty up to June 30, 2017)].
[5] RONW [(PAT including exceptional items)/(average net worth excluding revaluation reserve)].
[6] Basic earnings per equity share has been calculated including exceptional items and adjusted for all the years for issue of bonus shares.
[7] After considering adjustments for issue of bonus shares during the respective years.
[8] Figures from 2020-21 include the impact of the merger of L&T Hydrocarbon with the Company.
[9] Figures from 2018-19 include the impact of the merger of L&T Shipbuilding Limited with the Company.
[10] Dividend for 2020-21 includes special dividend of Rs. 18.00 per share and final dividend of Rs. 18 per share.
[11] Figures from 2015-16 are as per Ind AS and for earlier periods as per IGAAP and hence not directly comparable.
[12] Profit from discontinued operations in the year 2020-21, 2019-20 and 2018-19 has been considered as exceptional item.